The opportunity for someone to either give or receive an Amorous well-being Massage / Taoist Massage for couples or singles massage is very special and profound.
From a recreational perspective, it is a playful platform to mutually experience the joy of connection, touch and running sexual energy through the whole body. Opening up trust, connection, and pleasure.
It also enhances opportunities for opening communication and trust where you can safely communicate your wants, needs, desires, and boundaries. Exploring what works and what does not in a fun way and physically experiencing that.
With that in place, it opens up a new way to experience love and pleasure on a deeper level and will gently show you possible blocks that prevent you to experience fully with yourself and your partner. Trough an Amorous well-being Massage / Taoist Massage you and your partner can heal that blocks to allow you in experiencing even more and sets your personal expressions free.
That, in turn, creates deeper trust and connection that will open up the world of sacredness in the relationship. This all started with touch in the form of an Amorous well-being Massage / Taoist Massage and the full circle of recreational, playful touch which brings healing and an opportunity to experience and meet your partner in a sacred way!
In conclusion by learning and mastering an Amorous well-being Massage / Taoist Massage. You will have created the skill and platform that is needed to receive the superpower of Intimate touch and to express and experience your partner and yourself in whole a new exciting way!
I invite you to contact me for more information on making the Amorous well-being Massage / Taoist Massage a reality for you if something resonates or calls you to this. (Contact)